Friday, March 6, 2009

Things Eric loves to do

Eric is finding lots of things that he enjoys doing as a two year old. A few of those things are....

Building block towers until they are so tall they fall over.

Playing with his Tonka truck. All kinds of things can be driven around and dumped from this truck. He especially likes to have someone drive him around in it, like his Uncle Joe.

Eric has also found that he loves to "help" with the dishes. Let's hope that desire never fades. It usually involves pouring water from one container to another, mopping the floor and cabinets down afterwards, and a change of clothes.

Eating pudding or jello that Carolyn has made.

Jumping and playing in puddles.

1 comment:

Dellitt said...

Wow, in the picture of Eric washing dishes, he looks exactly like Scott did as little boy. It looks like Eric has lots of fun and must really be a joy to have around.