Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sledding with the Jarvis'

As we have already mentioned, in December our friends the Jarvis' came to visit.  Because we had so much fun doing it last year, we went again to Big Springs Park to go sledding.  We had a blast!!  Well, most of us did.

Sarah showing her skills, anticipating the hurt.

Karl always gives us a good shot, air and snow flying.

Scott and Eric hitting the jump....

Snow in the face....

Lots of air.

Noah shows us all how it is done.

Making snow angels.

Let's try a piggy-back ride.

Mom and Eric.

The Max man.

Sometimes they get a ride up the hill too.

A good buddy ride.

Rubie and Max had fallen asleep in the car on the way to the park.  We let them sleep for a bit then I decided to wake Rubie up.  That may not have been a good idea, she still wanted to sleep and let me know it.  It was a struggle getting her clothes on and out of the vehicle.  But I was determined that once she went down the hill, her attitude would change.

She was still kicking, crying, and fighting me the whole way down.

She was determined not to be happy.  I thought for sure she would slip and fall and have something really to cry about.
Eric, on the other hand, was loving every minute of this.  He has gotten much braver and loves sledding!
Having doll made her better for a few minutes.

But not for long..."I'm done!!!"

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