Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 18

Last night was our last night with Scott, at least for the kids, for the next 18 weeks.  After checking in at the Radisson, we went to the Gateway and got some dinner.  Then we took the kids to Build-A-Bear.  Scott wanted to get a bear in an army outfit so the kids would have the bear to think of him.  That kind of back-fired because the kids were not that interested in the army outfits.  Eric wanted a Woody outfit for his bear and Rubie choose a Belle princess outfit.  They got the army outfits too, but didn't want those on their bears last night.  Oh well, it was fun and we will get them in the army outfits later.  Then we went and played at the Apple store for a bit.  We took Scott back to the hotel.  As he gave the kids a kiss to say goodbye, his tears really started flowing.  Rubie didn't quite understand what was happening and just kept saying "Daddy crying."  Eric then realized there was something to be sad about.  He finally understood that the time had come that we have been talking about that Daddy was going to the army and we wouldn't get to see him for a while.  Eric started crying then.  All the way home he whimpered, "Let's go back and get Daddy.  Mommy, please turn around and get Daddy."  Rubie was tired and quickly fell asleep. But once we got home and turned into the drive way he became more forceful about it.  Then I was finally able to take him and hold him and talk to him about Scott being gone in the army and stuff about how proud we are.  We said a prayer and he felt better.  We'll see how it goes today.  I on the other hand didn't cry and am so far fine.  I've been gearing up for this.

Make us proud, Scott.  Work hard and do your best.  We will do our best here.  You be the best that you can be and this will be a great, even life changing experience.  We love you!

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