Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Dear Blog,

It is true I have been neglecting you. I am so sorry. I don't exactly how it has happened. Some of the things that have kept me from you: adding swimming to my workout routine, biking season, summer, fulfilling the virtue value Book of Mormon reading challenge by youth conference, girls camp prep, summer, girls camp prep, Eric not taking many naps, summer, girls camp, speaking in Church about girls camp. Well, I am determined to catch up on all of the entries/posts I should have made over the last few months. I have at least 13 posts to get caught up with life. So for those of you who follow our blog, I'm sorry I am not consistent, but you will have lots to see and read over the next few weeks.


Sarah Jarvis said...

Great! Can't wait!
As for your question: The motor cycle guy was actually filming for the Freedom Days movie or whatever. So I don't think there are any pictures. I am not sure. I was not paying attention :-) but that is what Travis said. You should find Travis on facebook though and ask him.

amberkei said...

Are you in YW's too? Yeah, our girl's camp just finished on Saturday and it was a big relief to have all the girls have a great experience, but also to be done with all that stress for a few more months! Good luck with everything with the National Guard. It sounds exciting to me! Let me know if you need help...we're always around.