Thursday, July 29, 2010

Field Day

This post is for Scott. Perhaps he will visit the blog and add details that I don't know and add his thoughts and insights too. Scott is a ham radio enthusiast. I'm not sure all the organizations he is involved in but I do know that is part of UCARES, the SWAT, and ARRL. There are meetings and nets at least once a month, and there are always events to volunteer at, and emergency's to be involved in. Sometimes I'm really annoyed that there is always one more thing to take him away from the family, but I am proud of him for his dedication to these organizations and his desire to be involved in our community. One of Scott's responsibilities is Field Day. This day is referred to as Ham Radio's play day. This year on June 26th-June 27th they participated in Field Day for a full 24 hours. On Scott's end it was more like 30. Scott was super excited because they got the MACC (Multi-Agency Command Center) and the MIC (Mobile Instant Command) to be there throughout the field day. They set up in the RC Willey parking lot. Ham Radio enthusiasts, interested and curious people, boy scouts, and others came to "play" with the radios. I understand there is a contest with it as well as to who can make the most connections. I stopped by with the kids. Eric thought the MACC was very cool. We got to see Scott in action as he gave visitor's tours and explained what was going on. He seemed pleased with how the field day went.

Blocking off the parking lot.
Orange Cones and the Sheriff.
Getting set up in the RC Willey parking lot.
Inside the MACC.
Setting up the radio tower.
The radio tower gets longer.
Still growing.
The radio tower is upright.
It takes a lot to set up a radio tower.
Pulling some kind of lines.
Shooting a line into a tree to hold the radio tower.
A cool radio that I know Scott covet's.
Helping a boy scout in the MIC.
The boy scout trying out the radio.
A young lady trying out the radio.
Grandma Wilson even came to get on the radio.
W1BYU with future (he hopes) W3BYU and W4BYU. I of course would ideally someday be W2BYU.
Monitoring the radio all through the night.

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