Sunday, November 6, 2016

Poop in a Neighbor's Garage

When school started we received a flyer about ordering some school spirit T-shirts.  Eric and Rubie really wanted some.  Jennifer Amador happened to be the PTA member in charge of the T-shirts.  They wanted you to send a check with an order form for the T-shirts.  We don't do checks anymore so Jennifer said if I came to her house she could swipe my card.

So one afternoon I was with Samuel and said let's stop by Jennifer Amador's.

He said, "To talk about my poop?"

Of I was confused and laughed a little.  But responded, "No, the school T-shirts.  But why would we talk about your poop to Sister Amador.?"

Samuel: "Because I pooped in her garage."

Me: "What!!!!?  What do you mean?"  Of course I am thinking (Hoping) that he did not poop in their garage, but in his 3 year old way is trying to tell me something but can't explain all the details.

Sam: "When I was playing with Rubie and Addie and Julie, and Kiana.  We came to Kianna's house.  I had to poop but I couldn't get to you fast enough mom.  So I just pooped in the garage."

Me: "Like you actually pulled your pants down and pooped on the floor of the garage."

Sam: "Yes.  And then I ran home.  Are we going to talk to Kianna's mom about my poop?"

Me: "Yes!" Ha, ha, ha.  Oh my goodness!  I can't believe this, I can only laugh about this!

Jennifer happened not to be home.  So I sent her a text message about my conversation with Sam.  The next Sunday we were walking to church and happened to meet on the sidewalk with Jennifer.  I was really hoping that Sam did not poop in their garage and she would say, "What are you talking about?"  Instead she told me they found a pile of poop in the garage and thought it was a neighbor's dog and they were cursing the dogs that run around the neighborhood and poop in people's yards.  Carlos cleaned it up.  All I can do is laugh it's so embarrassing and mortifying.

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