Monday, January 25, 2016

Cousins Come to Stay

This past week we had Andy and Beth's little boys here for half the week.  Beth's brother got married in San Diego.  Andy and Beth decided to make a trip of it and asked if we would take their kids.  I agreed but did ask if there was anyone that could watch them Wednesday night to Thursday.  I was worried about sleeping arrangements and getting Eric and Rubie ready for school and homework and dinner and bedtime.  They said they didn't have anyone else so they brought them here Wednesday night and came to get them Sunday night.  Scott worked and then had drill so he was here just a little bit in the evening.  It was exhausting taking care of everyone.  I felt like I was always in the kitchen.  It was a race to see what we could do between snacks and meals.  Their baby, Reed sleeps very well.  I was able to put him to bed between 7-8 and not get him up until 7-8 in the a.m.  But Isaac just goes and goes, right along with Sam.  They are pretty funny together.  Isaac is definitely not as rough as Sam.  But he also isn't as easy going.  They really seemed to enjoy each other.  I did not attempt church as we had Stake Conference and with Scott gone, that would have been miserable.  Instead I made us all play in the snow in the back yard.  Eric actually went over to the Jarvis' on Saturday night and ended up spending the night.  That was super fun for him.  I want a break from cooking and cleaning.  But that will never happen.

Rubie had a Native American day celebration and got to dress up in native american costume on Friday.  Of course she loved that.  To add to the craziness, Camden came over Thursday to play.  Things were find until I needed to do homework with Eric and Rubie and then Sam and Isaac were CRAZY!  I couldn't get them to be calm.  They just wanted to jump all over furniture and throw balls and made it difficult to get reading and homework in,  There was also an AHS parent meeting that Scott had to attend that night.  So he really was gone a lot.  I put Reed in Eric's room and had Eric sleep in Scott's bed.  I put a little mattress on the floor of Rubie's room for Isaac.  She was annoyed because he just wanted to talk to her and ask her about all the stuff in her room and kept her from going to sleep.  Eric and Rubie were good sports about it and thought Isaac and especially Reed were cute and did try to play with them.

Well, on to more cooking and cleaning up for and after the family.  Why can't I enjoy that more?

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