Friday, February 5, 2016

Grandparents Day and Spirit of America Speaks performance

Today was Grandparents Day at AHS.  Eric and Rubie came home with invitations so we sent them to Grandma Jeppson.  She was planning on coming and things were working out well for that.  Cassie was able to work from home today and so Grandma didn't have to worry about Ben and Cassie's children.  But then the weather has been cold and snowy all week.  It was snowing early this morning and Grandma was worried about the drive.  Somehow she convinced Grandpa to come and join her.  Yeah!  Just in case no grandparents were able to show up for the kids I planned on Sam and I going to the school.  I also knew it would be better for Sam to sit through the performance of the program in the morning versus the evening.  Maybe.  It just depends on how tired he got.  The 3rd and 2nd graders sing a couple of songs at the beginning of the program and so it is required of them to be there during the matinee performance and the evening performance.  I dropped Eric and Rubie off at the front door.  Grandma and Grandpa were already inside waiting by their classrooms.  Then Sam and I had to navigate through the snowy crowded parking lot.  We made it in after the classes had started.  I went into Rubie's class first and then into Eric's.  Sam did better in Rubie's classroom because the kids and grandparents were working together on a questionnaire.  Grandma was with Rubie in her class.  Grandpa went with Eric and in his class they were taking the time to have the grandparents or other guest introduce themselves and share what they remember about being in 3rd grade.  That was cute.  I had a brilliant idea to take headphones so Samuel could watch shows on my phone as needed.  After a while in Rubie's classroom he needed to do that.  Then we were excused to go to the Patriotic Program.  Dad was already in the auditorium and had some chairs saved close to the front.  Sam wanted to sit at the top row of the bleachers.  That was a great idea for him and soon other families with small children came to the top as well.  He watched and listened to some of the program sporadically, but mostly he had on the headphones with the phone.  Other kids and parents were jealous that I had that.  It allowed me to enjoy and catch almost all the program.  After the program the we could take the children home.  Since the weather was beautiful and sunny mom and dad agreed to have lunch with us.  Where to go was an issue because Sam had a lot of energy.  They agreed to go to Chick-fil-a.  We had the reading vouchers for a free cookie or ice-cream cone.  They also have a play place, and it is better than McDonald's.  The downer was that it was SUPER crowded and we had to wait for a table after we had our food.  Even then it was crowded and noisy.  But ok.  Dad was a super good sport today, and so was everyone else and that made it special and enjoyable.  Hopefully tonight Scott will be able to attend the evening performance.  Otherwise I'll just drop Eric and Rubie off and go do something with Sam.

1 comment:

Dellitt said...

It sounds like a very nice event. I would have loved having my grandmother come to my school when I was Rubie's age.