Thursday, December 16, 2010

Who will Eric be today?

Eric loves to dress up.  You have already seen him in previous posts as a fire fighter with an authentic outfit.  You have seen him as a knight, as Buzz Lightyear, and as the Red Power Ranger.  Eric also asks me every day to make a costume for him.  Sometimes he is happy with the costumes, sometimes the costumes do not work out so well.  
Eric and Rubie as tigers.  Grrr!

Tigers must have striped tails.

I'm a jumping tiger.

Mom, I need to be a robot.

I want to be T-Rex with claws.  Eric came up with the idea of the little pieces of paper taped to his fingers and toes as claws.
I have also made Eric a mask that works as Batman, or Mr. Incredible.  He has an old T-shirt cut to be a cape that can go along with almost any super hero.  Right after we got home from seeing the movie "Alpha and Omega" he wanted a wolf costume.  I used a head band to put the ears and wolf mane on.  Eric also has an outfit that is his Diego outfit, and add a few items like a bandanna and hook (wire hanger and cup) and wallah, we have pirate Diego. I love his creative imagination.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Eric has the imagination, but you've got the mad skills!