Friday, December 3, 2010

October--Firehouse Openhouse

In mid-October, our little preschool group went to visit the local Fire Station.  The fire fighters and emergency responders host an open house to help us become aware of their services and what we can do to be prepared for emergencies.
Testing a real fire fighter helmet.  These are heavy.  Eric was complimented many times by the fire fighters on the authenticity of his fire fighter outfit.

One fire fighter captured the kids attention with a doll house with simulated fires in each of the rooms.

Eric performing CPR and watching the vital signs.

Checking out the ambulance.

This was one of Eric's "best" parts.

Rubie thought it was pretty cool too to shoot the hose.

This was Eric's other "best" part.  He loved seeing the crashed and wrecked cars and the different ways fire fighters rescue people from wrecks.  He recognized the Jaws of Life right away and thought it was so cool to see a car door be cut off.  It was really cool.

They had a few runs through the smoke house.

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