He gets excited about friends. We were sitting behind the Ashton's and for a few minutes he kept pointing out and exclaiming Paige. He would see Addie Huddleston a few rows ahead and exclaim Addie! At one point he decided to take his shoes off and put Rubie's shoes on. He thought it was so funny as he walked out of our aisle into the center aisle with silver "high heeled" shoes on. He didn't get far and sat down and laughed. He loves all the ninja turtle stickers in one of Eric's coloring books and wants to put the stickers all over himself and me. If I am sitting with my legs crossed he comes over to sit on my foot so I can give him a ride. He likes to look through coloring books and scribble and draw.
Those are just some little things about him.
Also this happened yesterday. After our lesson during the 3rd hour in church from the Sister Missionaries about using social media and the internet to share the gospel, I posted it on Facebook.
My 7 year old son Eric demonstrated a powerful principle about prayer yesterday. In our evening family prayer on Saturday, knowing that he would be leaving early Sunday morning for Drill, Scott Wilson prayed that the kids would be helpful and cooperative and willing to get themselves ready and help out with Samuel on Sunday morning. I was in my room getting ready for Church when I hear sounds from Eric and Rubie. I wasn't sure what they were doing but they were happy so I didn't go in their room. Then they got Samuel up and took him downstairs, got him in his high chair and served him a bowl of cereal. Started making toast too. Got their church clothes on and their own breakfasts. When I expressed how wonderful they were and how happy I was about what they were doing, Eric says, "Daddy prayed that we would be like this. So we better make it happen. Because when you pray for something, Heavenly Father will help you. But you have to do it too." He warms my heart!
This is so significant to me because Eric is not usually so helpful. He is usually tired on Sunday morning and wants to keep sleeping and be lazy by watching TV/a movie or playing a game on the iPad. He does not willingly want to get dressed or definitely help anyone else. So it was extraordinary to me when he not only so willingly helped out with Sam and Rubie, but did it without being asked. When he was almost ready he even came to me and asked what else he could do to help. All throughout the day he was like that. He continued to help and to be thoughtful about we needed to do to be ready for things. He is a remarkable young man. I know this helpfulness will come and go, but I will take it when it comes because I know that is him.
Another tender mercy came to me on Saturday. Scott was away for Drill and called letting me know about an event with the Unit that was a chili cook-off and cake auction. Since I was headed to Costco that day I said that I would pick up something to contribute to the auction. I would like to make chili to take but I had not been planning on it and would not be able to. When I told Eric about it he did not want to go. He really wanted to go to a friend's. But Brock was with his Dad for the weekend and the Platts have just moved to England for a year or so. So I thought I would see if there was a babysitter available, though I was reluctant to do it. Knowing I would try to find a babysitter Scott then really wanted to go out after the Unit event. Sometimes it is hard for me to go out on Saturday night because it makes Sunday's hard. Then I am up late and that makes me tired, which contributes to impatience. The kids don't get baths. Then kids may not get a good dinner. The kids are up late which makes them ornery in the morning and makes getting to church hard. But the first person I called was Brooke Ashton. She was available. When we came home the house was still picked up, at least the same as when we left, the kids had dinner and they had baths, and they were all happy. That made me feel so happy and not anxious about Sunday morning at all. I'm going to send Brooke a thank you note.
Halloween was very much looked forward to from Eric and Rubie. They both had nice costumes. Eric dressed up as a black ninja, Rubie as Elsa. (Elsa apparently was the most popular costumes among young girls this year.) Samuel would not wear a costume. They both really wanted to go trick-or-treating with friends but that did not work out. Brock went to his Dad's and Ann Ashton had a bunch of other kids that she was taking around and so needed Paige with her. So Scott took the kids. They started before it got dark. Samuel lasted for a little while with them and then came home to hand out candy with me. Eric and Rubie were out for about another hour and then came home too. We all went to the Amador's to get a bowl of Pazole--Yum! and then came back home and Eric and Rubie continued to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. But I think they stopped coming about 9ish. We didn't even stay up to watch a scary movie or anything. Scott had been out of town all week and was tired and I couldn't stay awake either.
I helped out in one way or another with the kids' class parties. At AHS they have Harvest Parties. They don't do Halloween or costumes at AHS. I'm not exactly sure why. Anyway, I took a healthy treat of celery and carrot sticks to Rubie's class and then went to Eric's to help with games and such. I really enjoyed it. I haven't spent time in Eric's class and so don't know the kids and parents as well.
Mom loved getting to hear me read about you all after we browsed through family photos on facebook and on your blog. Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories of life in your home. We look forward so much to seeing all of you very soon and love just hearing the sounds of your voices when you call. The picture of your family on the wall is a pleasant thing in the midst of so much work. One lady commented what a good-looking family! I completely agree. Each time I bring up a picture of Sam she used to comment, who's that? Eric? and I would say, no, Samuel. Now she knows and says, is that Samuel? He looks just like Eric. And tonight she studied he and his brother to see how they were the same and different. It will be so fun to come home and see his growing person and the personality he is endowed with. Please take care and remember how much we love and appreciate you and your hard work, determination, passion, and sensitive heart.
"she" being Mom not the lady who said you all were good looking
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