Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall Break

Today we are in the middle of Fall Break.  I do wish that we had some plans for camping or adventure.  I don't know why I didn't think of it.  Maybe because Scott was out of town until late Thursday night, had a BYU football game to attend last night, and goes to work tomorrow.  Lots of our friends and neighbors went South for camping and adventure.  Places like Bryce Canyon, Moab, St. George, and Goblin Valley.  Next year I'd like to go somewhere like that.  The weather has been so beautiful!  We spent almost all of Thursday with the Tulett's.  Thrown in that day were flu mists and Preston Platts birthday party.  Friday we met up with my Mom who had Ben and Cassie's kids at Hee Haw's.  We stayed there a couple hours longer than I thought we would.  It was great fun, very dirty.  Similar kind of place to CornBelly's.
 There were bunnies to hold and pet, which interestingly enough seemed to be Koen and Eric's favorites.  Big slides made from white plastic sheets and black pipe tubes.  One slide was two stories up in an old silo.  Which I took Samuel and Addie down and they LOVED! A pony ride, a tractor/train ride, a corn maze, hay ride, petting zoo, corn cannon, a corn box, and other games around the farm yard.  The kids were totally entertained.  Afterward we went to the pumpkin patch up the road past American Heritage where mom got Ben's kids each a pumpkin and we got 13 pumpkins to decorate with the fun faces we have to put on them.

In a few hours we are headed to visit Andy and Beth and their new baby, Reed.  But I'm sitting here wishing the house was clean and organized and projects were done.  But looking out the windows at the beauty of outside, just wanting to be out there.  But really I'm probably going to try some indexing right now.  It has been hard for me to embrace the calling of Family History Consultant when I'm already involved in Young Women's.  Really I wish Scott would do more with it and that I would just have a little bit to do to support him in the calling.  I should also be working on my lesson for next Sunday.

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