Sunday, September 28, 2014

A New Cousin

Catherine Eire Milabelle Wilson
7 lbs 15 21 inches
Mom and baby are well.

This week on Monday afternoon, Dan and Brandee's daughter was born.  We got to have Nicholas with us all day on Monday and Tuesday.  Samuel really enjoyed having Nick here.  They were really fun together.  Nick also really liked playing with Rubie and liked having Eric and Rubie around.  We were going to go see Brandee and Cate at the hospital on Tuesday evening, but hospitals have not been letting children under 12 in to visit, unless they are siblings.  There has been some respiratory illness going around.  So we waited until Thursday evening to go visit them when they went home.

Monday evening we had a neighborhood party, Tuesday I went to a relief society activity to learn how to use grocery $ smarter, Wednesday we had a YW activity--went to PG pond, ate, and worked on personal progress with Mia Maids, Friday there was no school for kids--Eric went to the zoo with Camden Norton, I fit a temple visit in on Friday night, Saturday Eric and Rubie had belt promotion, and I attended the Church General Women's meeting, today I was released from Mia Maid adviser and put into the Laurels, Scott had drill.  Normal busy week where I search for balance with training, gospel study and learning, cooking, cleaning, mothering, serving others, etc.

It seems that every day Samuel's vocabulary is growing.  He clearly is speaking his own version of names including Eric, Rubie, Brock, Paige, Addie, Bunny, Doll, and maybe some others.  He loves kids and is always so happy to have kids at our house and loves to see kids other places.  He clearly says baby, bike, cracker, daddy, mommy, apple.  He loves playing outside, going to karate, his daddy, treats, stories, trains and the train set, duplo legos, trucks especially construction trucks, cars, stuffed animals, going in the bike trailer, walks, rocks, puddles, popcorn, parks, the sand box, the playroom at the gym, the library, friends, wrestling on the bed, ice-cream cones with no ice-cream, chicken nuggets, fries, cucumbers, apples, chickens, dogs, cats, and other animals.  He has quietly gotten hold of pens and markers and left his own mark on floors, walls, tables, furniture, etc.

1 comment:

Dellitt said...

Mom and I so enjoyed reading through some of your blog and looking at the pictures. I stopped reading and she said, "I was enjoying that, read some more." Almost every time I showed her a picture of Sam she would say "who is that?" and I would say, that's Sam, and she just couldn't get over that he looks EXACTLY like his brother and how BIG he is! I told her yes, those are the two things I notice about him first, too. She is anxious to see everyone soon. We both love and miss you all so much!