Sunday, July 27, 2014

Need More Sleep

Everyone is tired today.  And by everyone I mean our whole family and everyone at church.  Mid summer and everyone is trying to make the most of it.  We had lots of activities this week.  Wednesday was Scott's birthday so we went to the pool and then out to dinner at Pizza Pie Café.  Thursday we left Samuel with a babysitter and the rest of us went to the Spanish Fork Rodeo.  Friday night I went to the temple.  Saturday morning I went for a long bike ride up, then down and up, and down and up one more time on Suncrest / South mountain.  Rubie and I went to a baby shower for Brandee while Scott took the boys with Dan and his boys to BYU.  And last night there was a ward "Pie"oneer party.  And I had a lesson to prepare for today.  It was all fun but made for some late nights and long days with some early mornings.  Sleep will be important for me this week as I have s2s (Saints to Sinners) coming up this weekend.  I hope that I am ready.  I am a little nervous because I don't know where I am at fitness wise compared to others.  I have a bunch of new parts on my bike that should eventually help me out but there is a learning curve with them.

Scott had his 37th birthday this week.  We celebrated by going to the pool for some swimming and to dinner.  I gave him a condiments dispenser.  Ha, ha!  I am hoping to keep it as a gag gift for someone else too.  Although he thinks it is just cool enough he will probably want to use it.  Really he had just done clothes shopping.  New shoes and clothes were what he needed.

The rodeo was a great event.  Just long and late.  I was a little nervous leaving Samuel behind because he wasn't feeling that great.  He woke up from his nap with a fever.  I had Brooke Ashton babysitting him.  Ann was home and said she would come help.  But Sam wouldn't go to sleep for Brooke and then she took him outside and got locked out.  She felt so bad about that.  But I had not told her how easy it is to get locked out of our house.  The rodeo had great performers and world class competitors.  There were many there that held National, State, World, or Collegiate titles.  I loved watching the kids on the sheep, the bucking bronco riders, the stunt women, and the bull riders.  The animals and people are such athletes.  It was a great show.  We happened to be sitting right on an aisle by the stairs where people kept going up and down and that was annoying.  But we were also just above the animals and it was super interesting to see the huge bulls, and watch the cowboys warm up before their few seconds in the spot light.

The ward party was fun.  We all brought pies and participated in a water slide (Rubie did anyway), pioneer games, visiting, music, and a late night movie.  Sam and I skipped the movie.  I put him to bed and worked on my lesson.

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