Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Dancing Week

This week has been full of dancing for Eric and Rubie and our family.  We started it off on Monday with rehearsals and a performance with the Timpanogos School of Dance and ended with American Heritage Dance Festival.  Monday being Human Rights/Civil Rights/ Martin Luther King Jr. Day the kids were out of school.  Since September Eric and Rubie have each been taking a dance class through the Timpanogos School of Dance.  Rubie has been taking a ballet class and Eric has been taking Hip Hop.  Their teachers, Miss Stacy, and Miss Kia are great teachers.  I have been impressed with what the kids learn in their classes.  Heidi, the dance studio owner is also fantastic.  I have been so pleased with the music and costume choices.  I have worried about the girls wearing costumes that are not appropriate and doing dances that are well, also not appropriate.  But that has not been a problem.  The theme for this performance was Night at the Movies.  Each class performed a dance to a song made popular by a movie.  Eric did a Hip Hop routine to the song You're in My Heart from the Disney animated movie Tarzan.  Originally sung by Phil Collins, Miss Kia found a version a little more updated sung by Usher.  Eric had a huge smile on his face the whole time.  He looked like he was having so much fun and enjoying himself.  Rubie's class performed a dance to I See the Light from the Disney animated movie Tangled.  She was beautiful.  She smiled more than I have seen her smile in any of her performances so far.  She is graceful and performs the dance moves beautifully.  The school had rehearsals for the kids starting that morning.  Scott took Eric and Rubie to the Covey Center where they rehearsed their dance numbers then stayed to do a complete run-through of the show.  Then we were back there later in the evening for the performance.  We loved watching them! 

Throughout the school year in the P.E. classes the kids have each been working on dances.  The kindergartener's performed the Chicken Dance and the 1st graders did the Mexican Hat Dance.  Both dances are high energy and FUN.  Eric again danced with a big smile on his face that was noticeable by everyone.  He danced with Kate Woodley (one of the twins) who is like a head taller than he is.  She was swinging him around so hard I thought a few times his feet left the floor.  I thought all the dances were great but other than the kindergartener's and the 1st graders I loved the 7th grade girls dance and the 7th grade boys dances.  The girls did a dance from the Philippine's that is about some birds sneaking into the rice paddies.  They had these very long 2x2's and the dancing was similar to double Dutch jump ropes.  They jumped and flipped and leaped over the wood as other girls were holding the wood and hitting it together.  It was cool!  The boys did the Haka dance from New Zealand.  They were great and that dance is inspiring and impressive.

Rubie after school that day went with Mateah Pututah to play at her house.  I brought Camden Norton and his little brother Mackay over to play and the Tullet's came over too.  I had a full house of boys.  Scott had Guard duty this weekend and then left this morning for the week.  He is spending time in Mexico and Costa Rica.  Today we had Stake Conference.  Which was actually easier for me than our normal church day.  We started at 10:00 instead of 9:00 so that helped.  We also sat in the Primary room and watched the meeting on a TV instead of the chapel that was completely packed.  Samuel could be noisier and crawl around more.  Which he definitely did. 

Now to get caught up on dishes, laundry and reading with the kids.

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