Friday, March 9, 2012

Journal Entries

We have been asked to speak in Church this coming Sunday in our new Pleasant Grove ward.  I have been reading journals looking for experiences I could share.  I used to be really great at keeping journals.  My last entry in a journal was in March 2007.  Eric was 3 months old.  I never found the time to keep it going.  I realized I have missed a lot of experiences of everyday life.  Experiences of the little things I want to remember.  So I am going to make an effort to try to have journal entries on the blog.  After all, that is one thing I wanted this blog for right.

So here is today.  I studied for my talk a bit.  30 minute run around our neighborhood.  Which is up the mountain.  You either go up or down.  Followed by an hour of P90X2 yoga.  Then the kids had Little Gym class.  They love the class and their teacher Mr. K.  He is great!  I love visiting with the other moms.  We don't go back to PG cause Eric has preschool at Kids Village.  So we go to Target and then to the Park to eat a sort of lunch and play.  The sun is out and it is a bit over 40 degrees.  Yeah it feels great.  I haven't been feeling too well lately.  I think I might be pregnant, but I'm not sure yet.  So I make an effort to be fun and push them on the swings.  After I drop Eric off at KV, Rubie and I go pick up Samara Leaper to come and play.  She is cute and plays well with Rubie, but most of Rubie's friends still need lots of attention from me.  I try to have her over though because Sara Leaper is great about having Rubie over after dance class on Mondays.  At 3:00 I take Samara home and go pick up Eric and his friend Nixon Murdock comes home with us.  I actually felt really good about this one.  His mom, Ali, was really happy we asked to have him come over.  They are going to be moving back to Daybreak and she needed to be able to spend some time at the house cleaning and prepping it for new flooring and such (they have been renting it out for a few years).  She was going to just take Nixon along.  But all mom's know how that goes.  She would be lucky to get anything done.  I was happy to be able to help her out and hope to again.  Eric and Nixon play so well together.  They really can make each other laugh and really like to do the same things.  

It's Friday and Scott worked late.  Dinner was mac n cheese and peas.  We never have that but the kids really wanted it when they saw it at Walmart a few weeks ago.  I hope I can find an experience to share in my talk.

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