Thursday, March 8, 2012

Christmas Day

This year Christmas Day was on Sunday.  We had church at 9:00am, just Sacrament Meeting because of the holiday.  I was a little worried about getting the kids to go once they saw all the presents around our tree.  We let them open a present that Lloyd brought up for them and their stockings.  Then we went to Church which was the homecoming address from Neil Monroe.  Angela was going to come to church with us, but was late and didn't make it.  When we arrived home we realized that Scott had given Dellitt, Alec, and Maomi the wrong time to come over to open presents.  So Angela realized she probably had time to hit a sacrament meeting and at least take the sacrament.  By the time everyone arrived to open gifts it was closing in on noon.  I'm not sure how we did it but somehow Eric and Rubie managed to stay away from their gifts.  They were so good and so patient.  It was fun to have Dellitt, Angela, Alec, and Maomi with us.  It took a lot of the focus off the kids--although everyone was so nice to give them each great gifts.  It was fun to play with the gifts and build with the legos that the kids got.  Scott and Eric worked on his Ninjago Skeleton Bowling pretty much all day.  It tired Eric out so much that he fell asleep working on it right on the floor.  Andy and Beth also came back in the afternoon.  We had a feast out to munch and enjoy all day.  We had a movie and played lots of games.  It was a wonderful day to celebrate the Savior's birth and all the gifts/blessings that we have received this year.


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