Friday, July 31, 2009

Staying cool in the birthday suit

Eric and Rubie love to play in the water on the deck to stay cool on these hot July days. On this particular afternoon they started playing in the water before I could put swim diapers on them. So I just pulled their clothes off and they had fun playing.

Pretty good staging there Rubie, no private parts exposed to the camera.

This afternoon happened to be Pioneer Day. Uncle Andy and Aunt Beth came over for a bar-b-que. We started eating dinner and Eric was still outside playing. After awhile he knocked on the door to tell us about an accident. Scott was such a good sport to clean Eric and the deck. This is why he isn't potty trained yet. I went through three days of that and decided we would try again later.

Granite Flats Campout

We finally made it on a campout with the Jarvis family. Our plans for camping don't always get followed through. This was on a Saturday night, July 25th. Scott not having to come from work actually made it possible to get there before the kids were ready for bed. We went to Granite Flats Campground above Tibble Fork Reservoir in American Fork Canyon. It was a large campground and so beautiful. The temperature was perfect and made it so enjoyable. We set up camp, had a delicious dutch oven dinner, played in the dirt, took a walk, made s'mores, and went to bed in the tents. This was Rubie's first camping experience. By the time Eric was 1 year old, he had already camped at least 3 times. Rubie did really well though. Scott and Eric slept in the two man tent, and Rubie and mom slept in our bigger tent. Rubie slept in a crib most of the night, but then early morning woke and ended up in mom's sleeping bag. In the morning Scott made a great breakfast for all of us to enjoy. We packed up and made it back home in time for church.

Eating the dutch oven dinner made by the Jarvis'.

Rubie had fun crawling around the camp. She loves these bike water bottles.

Eric and Dad in their tent.

Noah and Eric with their stuffed animals in a quiet moment.

Rubie enjoying an apple with Dad.

Scott and Karl roasting marshmallows for s'mores. Which neither of them ate.

Eric enjoying a yummy s'more.
The boys loved the turkey bacon at breakfast!

Just before we headed out, Rubie found the fire pit.

Pioneer Day Festival

On the 24th of July we (Eric, Rubie, Jen) went with Lloyd and Carolyn, and Sarah, Noah, and Max to the Pioneer Festival at the North Park in Provo. It is a fun event. We went last year as well. This year was much more enjoyable as I wasn't 9 months pregnant in 100 degree weather. The kids loved the game booths, the Native American dancers, the pioneer village, and the fire truck.

Sarah at the line with Noah and Eric before they threw down the milk bottles.

Eric walked right up to the edge of the table and on his second try knocked down all three milk bottles.
Eric getting ready to launch the hatchet at the target. It didn't really go very far.

The favorite of all the kids was the petting zoo. We stood by the fence for a few minutes looking at the goats, a calf, a donkey, and baby pigs. After a few minutes and girl came and let us all in the pen with the animals. Rubie was going crazy she was so excited. She loved the baby pigs and the Pygmy goats. I couldn't snap any pictures because I was trying to make sure the animals were safe from her.

Eric getting ready for the Mountain Man Skillet toss. As Eric threw everyone in line scattered. He swung around and flung his skillet back at the kids in the line instead of forward down the throwing alley. It was a heavy skillet.One of the Native American Dancers that the kids loved watching.
Lloyd helped Eric make some pie tin art. He hammered on E in the middle with a nail and hammer. Eric was proud of it and wanted to hang it on his wall when we got home.
Lloyd and Carolyn were a big help with the kids.

This was a really cool cannon that was recovered from a ship wreckage in the Dominican Republic. The boys thought the cannon balls were very cool.
Eric at a cabin in the pioneer village.

Eric and Noah in the Doctors buggy at the pioneer village.

There were some pioneer games as well. Eric wanted to try his hand at the stick pull.

At the end of the day Eric and Noah were able to climb up into an actual fire truck. They got fireman hats and coloring books. Those firemen are pretty great. We also really enjoyed celebrating our pioneer heritage by playing some of their games.

Our newest little climber

Rubie has discovered that she can climb. Boy can she get into mischief now.

For some reason she sees the dishwasher door as the perfect platform. As soon as I open it she rushes in and tries to get up on it. It leads to getting the dishes in the dishwasher or to the drawers next to it.
Wherever this stool happens to be Rubie will climb up it to see what she can see.

One day she and Max found a drawer full of dish towels. They emptied it quickly enough.

Then Rubie got into the drawer.

Next, Max climbed into the drawer. Together, they can be trouble.

July afternoon at Deer Creek Reservoir

On a hot July afternoon we headed up into the mountains to Deer Creek Reservoir with the Jarvis'. We had wanted to go camping that night but all the campground were taken. So plan B was take our dinner and snacks and go to Deer Creek. When we arrived we happened to see the Jarvis' neighbor there with a boat. Sarah, Karl, Noah, and Eric got to go out on the boat ride while Jen and Carolyn stayed with Max and Rubie. Eric and Noah had so much fun. They even rode a tube behind the boat. I wish I could have seen that! After playing we enjoyed delicious tinfoil dinners. Scott was able to come up and join us for the dinner.

Karl, Sarah, Noah, and Eric on Jesse's boat.

Carolyn chill in her shades and hat.
Max and Rubie enjoying toys in the sand.
Eric and Mom in the water.

Sunday afternoon hike/walk

Sometimes on Sunday afternoons we have to get out of the house. After 3 hours of church and trying to be reverent we have lots of energy. This afternoon we went to Big Springs Park for a walk through nature.

I love to find sticks. The bigger the better!

This bridge is perfect for throwing sticks into the water and watching them go.

"No! I can't go!"

Rubie enjoys the hikes from a different perspective.

Both Rubie and Dad like to chew on grass.

We are proud of our cousins!

On Saturday July 11, 2009. We got up a little early and went to Highland for a very special event. We were able to witness our cousin Eli Wilson get baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After Eli was baptized and received the Holy Ghost, we witnessed his brother Jackson be ordained a deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood. We are super proud of Eli and Jack. They are great role models.

Uncle Dan with his four sons Jackson, Elijah, Hayden, and Tre Cougar.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Jeppson Reunion

On the night of July 10th Great-Grandma Jeppson and our Great-Aunties CJ, Diane, Janice, and Wan were passing through on their way to Idaho. It was a good reason to get together at the Jeppson Ravine for some food, playing, and catching up.

We had a great banquet of food. Jeppson's never go hungry when we get together.

Janice, Great-Grandma, Aunt Rachelle, and Aunt Andrea.

Jessie with their baby.

Playing baseball with all the cousins.

Rubie crawling around.
Grandpa Jeppson visiting with Di and Great-Grandma.

Grandma Jeppson and Rubie.
I love olives!!! Especially on my fingers.
Aunt Tai eating dinner, Joe had to work.
Carolyn came with us. Even Daddy was able to make it.
Aunt CJ kept all the kids entertained with fly balls.
This was a silly toy that Aunt Wan had.There were quite a few people missing, but we are glad to have seen those that could make it. We don't get to see each other nearly as often anymore.