Friday, July 31, 2009

Staying cool in the birthday suit

Eric and Rubie love to play in the water on the deck to stay cool on these hot July days. On this particular afternoon they started playing in the water before I could put swim diapers on them. So I just pulled their clothes off and they had fun playing.

Pretty good staging there Rubie, no private parts exposed to the camera.

This afternoon happened to be Pioneer Day. Uncle Andy and Aunt Beth came over for a bar-b-que. We started eating dinner and Eric was still outside playing. After awhile he knocked on the door to tell us about an accident. Scott was such a good sport to clean Eric and the deck. This is why he isn't potty trained yet. I went through three days of that and decided we would try again later.

1 comment:

Jamie Pearson said...

Those pics are too funny. Rubie did a great job to hide all private parts. I can't believe how big your kids are getting.