Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February Ends

Valentines Day turned out nice.  I went to Eric's class and played 2 games.  Cupid's arrow and Popcorn Candy Dig. Digging and retrieving candy from a bowl of popcorn with chop sticks.  Not so successful.  It made a huge mess and the kids had a really hard time with the chopsticks.  I did not think it would be so hard.  I took Sam with me and he was a riot.  He held up a heart decoration that the kids "shot" (blew Q-tips with straws) their "arrows".  His commentary was hilarious.  After school we had to have scouts for just a half an hour because we needed the time to get our skits ready for Pack Meeting the following week.  I had dinner prepared for the family and Rubie decorated our table beautifully.  We all exchanged cards and we had some gifts for the kids.

The next weekend when we thought we would go out the youth all had youth conference and then Eric also got invited to go to the Norton's cabin for the weekend with them.  It was also President's Day Weekend.  Then we also watched Isaac and Reed for Andy and Beth as they looked at homes to buy in Utah County.  So we were actually busy.  And then we went to see Sing with Sam and Rubie.  Monday we went to eat and to Nickel City to play.  Sam and Rubie both loved that.  But it was so disappointing to Sam that even though he seemed to get so many tickets he didn't have even close to enough for a good prize.  I remember Eric and Rubie learning that lesson too.  It is SUPER disappointing.  I totally get it.  Oh we also went to the mall for some shopping and hanging out.  Rubie wanted her ears pierced and so we had to check at Claire's to see how much she needed to have.  We got her ears pierced on her 7th birthday.  But she did not take care of them very well and they got sore and infected.  I told her if she wanted them again she needed to pay for it.

The next weekend Scott had drill starting Friday morning.  Saturday Eric had a karate tournament, just a small one at their studio, Rubie wouldn't do it.  So I went with Eric there and had Rubie babysit Sam.  It was the first karate event that I have ever been able to just sit there and watch, cheer, and take pictures without dealing with Sam by my side--or not by my side.  Eric did great.  There were just 3 other boys in his category that competed against each other.  He won a 3-way tie for forms, but then took 2nd in the sparing.  His sparing was actually awesome to watch.  He competed against Preston who is 12 for 1st or 2nd.  Eric got ahead at first and then lost by just 1 point.  It was actually very exciting to watch.  Then Rubie realized she had her $20 to get her ears pierced so I decided to take the kids to the mall so Rubie could get her ears pierced and we would have lunch.

Claire's was super busy and we had to wait awhile for Rubie's turn.  It the meantime Sam found a little item that he wanted me to buy for him.  Since it was crowded with a lot going on I was telling Sam he had to wait for Rubie to get her ears pierced then we would be paying for everything at once.  Pretty soon I couldn't find him anymore.  I started calling his name and looking in all little corners of the store.  I announced to the whole store that he was missing and then began to be a little frantic.  I had Rubie stand by the desk with the workers at Claire's asked Eric to go down the hallway and look in the play place and I went up the hallway just a bit to the Concierge's desk to get security help.  I started to give my report and then saw Eric with him.  I was flooded with relief.  He said that he went to sit on the couches out there to wait because I was not buying the toy and he was just waiting. Lol.  Thank goodness he was ok.

Rubie got her ears pierced and I bought the extra speedy recovery solution to ensure we don't have a problem this time.  Eric and Sam all ended up with a toy or something.  We enjoyed lunch together and then headed home.

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