Thursday, August 16, 2012

Playing T-Ball

During June and the first part of July, Eric played on a T-Ball team.  They played twice per week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  3 other boys from the neighborhood/ward were on the team as well.  Eric enjoyed it and learned a little bit about T-ball.

During first 2 games there was not much organization in the outfield.  

Coach Avery had the kids line up and get ready for the ball hit by the other team.

Coach Avery stood with each kid batting to make sure they had their stance and form correct.
Warming up to bat.

Hitting a great fly ball.

Rounding first to second.
On second base.

Sliding into home...

Often while up to bat the players weren't quite involved and so found other entertainment.  Running and rolling down the hill was popular.

In the outfield.

Getting the ball often ended up in a dog-pile.
Playing second base.

Giving the blue team high 5s.

T-ball buddies: Taton Merritt, Tyler Saetrum, Riley George, and Eric Wilson.

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