Monday, June 11, 2012

A Time When I Chose The Right

I was assigned to give a talk in primary yesterday, June 10, 2012.  I stood right up to the microphone and speak clearly and well so that everyone could understand me.  I even smiled and was so happy to be giving a talk.  The talk was to be on a time I chose the right.  My mom talked to me about a time when I chose the right that we could share and what it means to share the right.  She helped me write my talk and helped me give it.  She was so proud of me.  I was really proud of me too.  This is the talk I gave:

Talk by Eric Wilson given on June 10, 2012

We have a saying in our house.  If I obey I will be happy all day.  I have been learning that Choosing the Right also means I choose my attitude.  I am learning that I don’t always get to choose the things I want to do.  Sometimes I must obey our parents, or teachers.  Sometimes I am not happy about what they ask me to do.  But the right choice is to have a happy attitude and do the task without complaining or whining.

This year in primary as I have been learning the song “Nephi’s Courage” and as my family has read about Nephi in the Book of Mormon I have learned that Nephi always chose the right by not murmuring.  His brothers Laman and Lemuel did not choose the right when they would murmur. 

Last week I wanted my mom to push me on the swings of our play-set.  We had just come home from our Grandma’s house and there was a bunch of things to unload from the car.  Instead of complaining that mom wouldn’t push me right then and wanted to unload the car, I cheerfully offered to unload the car for her.  As I started to unload the car my younger sister, Rubie also began helping.  The job got done quickly and then my mom was able to spend time with us outside pushing us on the swings.

When I happily obey and make a right choice, I feel the spirit.  That makes me feel good and feel happy.  I know that Heavenly Father is happy with me when I make the right choice by not murmuring.

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