Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm Learning to Choose the Right

When Rubie saw Eric giving his talk in primary she wanted soooo bad to also give a talk.  It just so happened that very Sunday her class was assigned the prayer, scripture and talks for the next Sunday.  Rubie teacher's, the Griffin's, apologetically handed me the assignment saying she was insistent.  Of course I didn't mind preparing two talks back to back.  It's great for the kids.  Rubie did a great job.  She was so excited.  She was taken aback a bit when she first heard her voice in the microphone but she kept going.  She also told us that she didn't like everyone staring at her.  I told her that when you stand up to speak in front of everyone they all want to hear what you have to say and so they will look at you.  She very grown up like said I don't mind if they look at me, I just don't want them staring.  Hmm, she understands the distinction.  But she also had pictures to go along with her talk and so of course everyone was looking at the pictures as well.  I helped her give her talk in primary.  Then that evening when we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Jeppson she wanted to give her talk all on her own.  She pretty much did.  She is a smart little girl.  She is much smarter than she likes to let on.

Hear is Rubie's talk that she gave.  For each of the 10 points we had pictures that we printed and colored to go along with each point.  Number 10 was a picture of Rubie with a big smile.

I am learning to choose the right when I live gospel principles like:
1.    Participating in family prayer every morning.
2.    Saying prayers at meal times and at bed time.
3.    Keeping my room clean.
4.    Helping my mom with cleaning the house.
5.    Sharing with my brother.
6.    Being nice to my friends.
7.    Obeying my teachers at dance and at primary.
8.    Taking care of my body by choosing good foods.
9.    Wearing modest clothing.
10.    Choosing to have a happy attitude.
When I choose the right by living gospel principles I am happy and I know Heavenly Father is happy with me too.

I am so proud of Rubie for wanting to give a talk and wanting to share her testimony.

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