I have felt more vulnerable and closer to the spirit this week. Scott is still unemployed. It is interesting for me to watch what this lay-off has done to him. He is determined not to let it get him down. I am so glad. I can see him sleeping in, laying around in his sweats or pj's and basically taking a vacation. He has done just the opposite though. He continues to get up early, exercise and each day goes off to LDS Employment services or some other meeting. He is making lots of contacts and phone calls and has updated his resume and so I hope some interviews follow very soon. Lots of people have come forward to let us know about their own experiences of being laid off. A lot of people, especially in our ward, have gone through one or two lay offs. They have given us advice and counsel about how to deal with it. Life has not changed too much so far. Without a job the changes will probably be most apparent in a month's time or so. We pray this process of getting another job happens quickly. I have been worried for Scott's self-confidence and emotional state. But his friends and colleagues have really rallied around him to buoy him up and let him know how great and capable they think he is. Once he starts getting his resume out there I hope it doesn't take too long. I know that employers would be happy to have him, it just depends on an available position. And a position that Scott is excited about taking. I think our biggest concern is that he will have to take a job that will be less money than what he was making. We were just barely getting to the point where we were saving for things. The prospect of buying a new family vehicle and a home were right around the corner. I get really tired of always being on the edge of having to choose where to spend our money based on what is needed the most. However, I am so grateful for health and our testimonies. I am so grateful our cars are paid for and that we are not destitute. Sister Valinda Johnston, our RS president, came over to fill out a Bishop's Storehouse order for the month. I was so grateful that we were not in a position of being destitute. We do not qualify for food stamps or unemployment yet. But even with food we need to be frugal. A blessing I'm already seeing is how far the food we have is spreading. I have prayed for that. I know that Lord will and is blessing us. I also pray that He will open my eyes and heart to the blessings. During this time I also want to be able to serve others. Our children are still at American Heritage. One of my greatest fears is that we would not be able to keep them there. That is one of my highest priorities is to keep our children in that school. I want them to stay in karate too, but if we don't have a job in 3 months time, we will be taking a break from karate. I was hoping to have a piano and get Eric started in piano lessons when he turned 8, but that will have to wait also. He will be starting scouts in January so that is something.
Today in sacrament meeting Eric was sitting by me cuddled up to me during the sacrament. He excitedly said that he had just 3 more weeks until he was baptized and would be partaking of the sacrament too. I'm so proud of him and am looking forward to his baptism.
Yesterday we had a ward activity. The annual Christmas Breakfast. Because we have Brother Jolley in the ward who is a PG firefighter, he gets a very large fire truck that brings Santa to the event. He drives Santa all over the neighborhood with the lights and siren. Then we all gather at the church for breakfast, service, crafts, musical performances, sitting on Santa's lap, and communing. It's a good time. We took the kids over to the Harrisons afterward so Scott and I could go to the temple. We have not been to the temple together in a very long time.
I of course am not signing up for any events right now. I still want to train as best I can though. James offered to keep coaching me. He is such a good guy. I wish that we could find him some monetary sponsors for his 50/50/50 next year. That would mean a lot to him. Sometimes emotionally training is hard. I've had a few sessions of pushing to the point of just breaking down emotionally.
I have felt very comforted by the Spirit so many times though. When I study the scriptures and words of the prophets or hear a Christmas message. My hope and faith stay true to my Father in Heaven. I have no question that He will take care of us. I just have a question on how long the unemployment will go and how much money we have to loose. How far behind financially do we have to get again? We want to be out of debt and be financially independent and also able financially to help others. We want to give to others and help them out as well.
I am looking forward to a lesson next week in YW that I have been asked to give. It's our Christmas Lesson and the leaders are hoping it will be extra special. The title is "You Are My Hands" and is taken from President Uchtdorf's talk a couple years ago in which he shared the story of a village with a Christ statue that was destroyed during war. The statue was repaired except for the hands and the hands were left off. The point is that we are Christ's hands. I have asked 6 different YW to share a story of their own or from their family or even their ancestors of how they have served someone at Christmas time or they have been served. I wanted to share a story of my own ancestors, A dress for Ellen, that President Monson shared one Christmas. And then have some music. I need to work on that.
Despite our trial of being unemployed this season, there are always others that are going through just as hard or harder trials. Dan has just had surgery on his spine. He was hurt during wrestling one morning with the AF wrestling team. He has been in lots of pain with ruptured discs in his neck and on the verge of paralysis. He finally had a successful surgery yesterday. I got to have Nickolaus here all day Friday because of that. This has been a hard trial for their family. Jared is having a hard time finding a job. He and Chantel do want to come back to Utah but Jared isn't quite sure what direction he wants to take his career. This is a trial for their family. Cassie was fired from her job--sort of. She was quitting but the boss was apparently upset by that and just had her quit. She starts a new job with Market Star this week. Ben is still unsure of what to do for work. Right now he is working for Alpine Fireplaces and it is at least giving him a paycheck. But this process of moving to Utah, getting out of the army has been a trial for their family. Mom has quit her job and is now full-time nanny to Ben and Cassie's kids. This is a trial for her because of her health and the demands of being a child care provider. I keep finding out about people in the ward or around us with health problems or other issues. But people do not hold back their concern or offers for help. People are so good! I hope that I can repay that and be just as good to others too.
7 years ago
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