Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 2014

The Sundays for blog writing have gotten away from me.  The first Sunday in the month was Super Bowl Sunday.  After doing some visits with Shannon and Celine for the Relief Society we headed to Dan and Brandee's to watch the super bowl with them.  The next Sunday was drill weekend for Scott.  He actually that Sunday went to Mexico for work for the entire week.  The kids and I went to Layton for Madden's blessing at Joe and Tai's ward.  It may not have taken up the whole day but I thought their ward started at 11:00 when it actually started at 1:00.  At least we weren't late.  We did show up to the church, sit down in the chapel and when I didn't see anyone from the Jeppson or Goldsberry families by 10 minutes to the hour I knew something was wrong.  I asked a brother that looked like he could help me if he knew Joe and Tai.  Sure enough they were in the stake, just not that ward.  So we went and hung out at Joe and Tai's house.  Playing with the boys while they got ready.  The 3rd Sunday I had another visit to do with Shannon, this took up the whole afternoon even though she assured me it wouldn't.  Then this past Sunday Samuel took a nap and then the weather was so lovely we took a walk and visited with the Morton's and others.  And then that too took up the whole afternoon.

Let's see, some of the highlights for the month have been:
  1. Friday, February 7: Grandparents Day.  Grandma Jeppson was able to take some time off of work to come to AHS for Grandparents Day.  It was supposed to be a very snowy day so she left Farmington extra early and arrived a whole hour before school started.  She is prompt.  She got to visit Eric's class where they made a snowman out of Eric's footprint.  He showed her some of his work of things he has been learning.  Then she went to the auditorium for a short program by the kindergartener's.  The grandparents and kindergarten's then sat through a patriotic program that was too long for the kinder kids and even for the grandparents.  She brought the kids home and gave them valentine cards with cash! and delicious valentine sugar cookies from her favorite bakery.  She stayed to have lunch with us and then had to go back to work.
  2. Kyrik Patch birthday party: Eric got to attend his friend Kyrik's birthday party.  As part of the party they went to see the Lego Movie that apparently is awesome.  After the party Brock got to come over for the evening while his mom and sisters went out to dinner and a movie.
  3. Cousin Madden baby blessing:  loved going to Joe and Tai's for Madden's baby blessing.  Although Samuel got the worst smelling diarrhea.  Which started a week of him being sick with fever and pain.  Some throwing up, although it seems most of his pain and fever was caused by teething.  But maybe he was sick and teething at the same time.  Poor little guy!
  4. Parent Teacher Conferences: totally rewarding!!  Mrs. Soderstrom had so many good things to say about Eric.  Though he continues to talk and be social in her class, he is not the only one.  She loves his smile and positive attitude.  He is a leader and friend to all in the class.  She is so impressed with his reading and spelling.  He is a very good student.  He only misses things when he is not paying attention.  Mrs. Strong had lots of great things to say about Rubie.  Rubie has really shown in increase in maturity since school started.  Her reading and writing have improved so much.  She hardly ever gives me problems about doing homework and reading anymore.  She is joy in class although she sometimes has a hard time sitting in her desk for so long. I totally sympathize because I am still like that.  Then we went to the book fair in the library.  Eric and Rubie each took money from grandma's V-day cards and bought some things.  We also bought some great books.
  5. Valentine's Day:  No school this day.  The kids and I planned a fun V-day night.  We got stuff to make the table all fancy.  A pink table cloth, red plates, red utensils, napkins with hearts, battery powered tea candles, tall fancy red glasses, big balloons with hearts attached to a pink vase, and a fancy V-day cake from Macey's bakery.  It looked beautiful and we kept it that way all weekend.  Scott was so surprised when he came home.  I surprised the kids with some gift bags and Scott got yummy sugar cookies.   At the first of the week I made some envelopes for each person in the family with the idea that we each write little love notes to each other throughout the week.  That was my favorite part.  I loved writing the notes to each person and the kids had a lot of fun writing notes too.  Scott forgot about it, but I'll do it again.
  6. Cousin Jackson's wrestling tournament:  Saturday I actually got a babysitter for the evening so that Scott and I could go out on a V-day date.  But then Dan called and really wanted us to attend Jackson's wrestling tournament.  It was the state tournament held at the Maverick Center.  So we took the kids over to the Harrison's so we could go out to sushi for lunch and then headed to the Maverick Center.  It was exciting to see Jackson wrestle.  He is really good.  He was disappointed though because he took 2nd place.  We all thought he did great.  Most of the family then went to Dan and Brandee's for pizza and visiting.  Samuel and I came home, he was so tired and with him not feeling well throughout the week, he needed rest.
  7. President's Day: a day of no school and Scott home from work.  We spent the morning doing chores and exercise.  In the afternoon we went on a picture scavenger hunt ending at the mall where the kids played at the Treehouse and Dinosaur.  We had lunch there and then headed home.
  8. Eric well-child check up:  Eric had a visit with Dr. Connor for his seven year old well check up.  He is doing great and growing well.
  9. 100 day of school:  Thursday, February 20 was the 100th day of school.  For Rubie we made a bright pink poster with 100 stickers about things she liked.  And sent her to school with 100 cheerios for the gorp.  Eric's class celebrated on Monday because Camden was on a cruise that week.  Apparently it was very short.  They also made gorp, Eric (along with 2-3 other kids) contributed marshmallows.

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