Wednesday, May 29, 2013

June update

Samuel is now approaching 7 months.  He is sooooo cute!  Two Sundays ago he began saying Mama.  It was actually on Mother's Day.  Scott was gone to Moab with his Relay team running the Moab Red Rock Relay.  I was busy getting us all ready for church, getting my lesson set, and getting us ready to go to Mom and Dad's after Church. I have a calling now of teaching the 12 and 13 year olds in Sunday school with Sister Atwood.  There are 14 in the class.  All great kids, it's just that there are 11 boys and only 3 girls and with all those kids in a small classroom--well, it gets a little loud and a lot chaotic.  But so far I'm loving it.  The church has new curriculum to follow called Come Follow Me and I really like teaching this format.  In my mind I'm teaching future missionaries and I try to approach each lesson like that.  I did ask who was planning on going on a mission and every single hand in the room went up.  This is a great ward with very strong youth.

Samuel can now sit up for a few minutes on his own.  He loves to sit and play with toys.  It's so cute to watch his jerky movements and efforts to try to get toys and control and manipulate them.  Eric and Rubie can totally entertain him and make him laugh and at the same time terrify and annoy him.  He has started to get mad when they kiss and hug and poke him too much.  He is now on 3 weeks of eating food.  I still don't think he likes it.  He tolerates sweet potatoes and butternut squash but does not want to eat the acorn squash.  I keep hoping he likes it because I'm not sure I am producing enough milk for him to be full.  Although his little body says otherwise.  He is chubby!!!  I have had to bring him to my Sunday School class because Scott has been gone or has Sunday School Presidency responsibilities.  All the kids in the class want to hold him.  They are cute with him.

Eric and Rubie are done with school for the summer.  They have been so looking forward to going to the pool but the two days after Memorial Day have been cool, cloudy, and rainy.  Memorial Day was sunny and nice but both Scott and I wanted to bike and then we went to the Tullet's for a barbeque.  Also Sunny and James Lawrence and their kids were there.  I am following a diet and exercise program called Lean Mom's.  I am really liking it and in just one week I lost 6 pounds and inches off my arms, legs, waist, and hips.  I am confident that if I can stick with it by the end of the summer I should be well on my way to getting back to pre-pregnancy shape.

Scott is going to AT this weekend.  He will be gone for 18 days.  I need to get some play date trades set up for the kids so I don't get too overwhelmed.  We are stopping karate for the summer and Rubie's dance will be done in a couple weeks after her performance.  They are going to be playing t-ball, coach pitch ball, and soccer for the summer.  Between those and things like the library, pool, museums, and play dates; hopefully some hiking and camping we should be able to stay comfortably busy.  I hope to catch up on some projects that I am way far behind in not the least of is this blog.

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