Sunday, November 11, 2012

1 Week

Samuel has been home 1 week.  Monday and Tuesday I felt fantastic.  But by Wednesday the not sleeping at night caught up to me.  I am extremely tired and it is hard to get enough sleep.  I am in that new-born baby cycle of when night comes and I nurse, I fall asleep just like the baby does, in the rocking chair.  I wake up when the baby stirs.  So I miss the opportunity to put him down in his bed and actually go lie down in my own bed.  The trick is staying awake enough to get him down.  He has taken great naps during the day, of course.  And that is totally helpful for taking care of the family and staying on top of housework (mostly).  But it takes its toll on me.  Although I still feel sooo much better than the last two months of the pregnancy.  Nothing has ever been like that pain and exhaustion and just general not feeling well.

Eric and Rubie ADORE Samuel.  Eric loves to hold him and Rubie wants to look at him and touch him and be right there whenever he is eating or being changed or whatever I am doing with him.  Sometimes I have to remind her to leave him alone she is bugging him.  But I'm so glad that they love him and think he is just so special and cute.  Ward members and friends have brought us meals and gifts and shown so much love and support.  I'm glad that I spent so much time making so many freezer meals.  It is hard to make a schedule now for grocery shopping and meal preparation.  It will take some time for me to determine the best times to do those things now.

Well, Samuel is awake now and calling for me.  Maybe I'll get a chance to write more later.

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