Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home

Ahhh!  How did I get so far behind??
I started this post last month and just never finished it.  I have a lot of catching up to do.

On June 2, 2011 Scott, Specialist Wilson, arrived home from BCT and AIT.  What a glorious day!!!

We were all so excited.  Probably Scott was the most excited.  Apparently he had been quite bored the last few days of his training.  The army seemed to do little to keep him occupied or busy the last few days.

Eric, Rubie, and I arrived at the airport and made our welcome home signs.  I was afraid we were going to be late.  But we had plenty of time to write our signs, even though the plane arrived 5 minutes ahead of schedule.

Eric adding his name and some drawings for his Dad.

Rubie making her sign.

Uncle Andy showed up with the perfect sign to welcome Scott home with.

Even though the plane was early, Scott took forever to get to us.

There were other soldiers and missionaries being welcomed home also.  Many other groups had signs.  Everyone clapped and cheered for the soldiers--that was touching.

Finally I see him.

He seems so happy to see us and is already emotional.

I was surprised that Rubie was a little shy and reluctant to hug Scott at first.
I was emotional, I tried to help her feel comfortable.
I guess I wasn't too shy.

Yeah, Daddy's home.

I wish I had time to write about all the things I learned and experienced while Scott was gone.  It is hard to digest it all and spit it all back out quickly.  Mostly I really felt the love of Heavenly Father sustaining us.  I never had a day when I just broke down.  Life was actually much more calm and slower.  There were very busy days but on the whole I was well rested and taken care of.  Heavenly Father has always blessed me with such good friends that help me out.  We have so many neighbors and friends and family that came to support us and help me out when I needed it.  Eric and Rubie are such good kids and love to go play at friend's homes and that makes it easier.  I learned about service.  How to just do something for someone without having them ask or tell you.  But I also learned that I need to ask for help.  But I also became really good at trading help (I'll watch your kids if you will watch mine).

I'm really proud of Scott sticking with the army thing.  He starts school for his Masters Degree next week.  That will be a new adventure but one of the biggest reasons for joining the National Guard.  Good things are in store for him and our family.  Eric and Rubie sure love having their Daddy around.  They missed him so much.  I love to watch the kids wrestle with him and just play with him.  Eric emulates Scott in so many ways.  I never want to be a single parent.  Though life is crazier with another person's schedule in the mix, it sure is better with a Daddy here.  

This was Scott's way of talking Rubie into wearing this cute dress I bought her.  Apparently it is princessy enough.  No big skirt that twirls or big fabric that puffs out.  He just asked if they could take a picture together with her in the dress.

1 comment:

The Tanners said...

man I am so behind!!! jenn I am so glad Scott is home, You are soooo strong i cannot imgaine being a single mom like you have had to. Also I am so proud of you for how dedicated you are to all of your races, it is inspiring. Love ya Jenn