Here it is April 6th and the weather is still like winter. The kids wanted to go outside and play so bad today. We got bundled up and went out with some new shovels. They lasted 5 minutes, and I wasn't sorry. I was freezing. Eric wanted to try his new shovel so bad in some sand. After we went to storytime at the library he begged to go to the "sand park" and dig. He dug up two huge scoops out of the sand and then ran back for the car. And not only is it cold, but there has been snow. Not enough to play in and build a snowman, but just enough to make everything really wet. Yesterday we went to the mall to play on the dinosaur and treehouse there for some playground type play. We need a warm day. Are you coming soon?
The treehouse playground at the University Mall.
Cute new outfits and cute clothes! We can't wait to see you guys again! We miss you!
The kids look so grown up. It is too true about the weather (has felt and looked like January for more than a week). So I bought some potting soil and little pots for starting seeds and finally just dove into it tonight and planted a bunch of tomato plants (and one pepper plant). They have bags of soil for very cheap at Maceys (but not the pots that I saw, but you could use paper cups). And I have way more seeds than I'll ever need - various kinds.
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