This past Saturday, 27 March 2010, I had a great reward for keeping in shape and doing lots of running this winter. Sarah and her friend Carly Tulett got me to do the Buffalo Run. It was a 25km (15.34 miles) trail run on Antelope Island. There were a few hundred runners. Of course I was scoping out the competition. I had a dream a few nights previous that Sarah and I won the race. I could see us bursting out over the last hill, seeing the finish line and racing for it. But when I saw some of the women who were running, I even wondered how Sarah would do against them.
It was a beautiful day. Our race started at 10:00am. There was the 50 miler that started super early that morning and then the 50km that Karl ran that began a few hours before. By 10:00 the sun was up and the air was beginning to get warm. It was warm enough that I started with a long sleeve shirt and running shorts and about 10-15 minutes into the race had to shed the shirt. Isn't Antelope Island lovely.
This looks like part of the trail we could have run. This gives an example of what we ran, however, nothing we ran was flat.
Carly, Sarah, and I before the run. We ran up into those hills behind us.
The race had an uphill start. I got on Sarah's heels and just stayed there. We started out fast, but we are pretty good on hills. Sarah mentioned she was a little worried that we were starting out too fast. I didn't even realize it, but we passed all of the other women right then and there on that first hill. After a while when the trail leveled out two women passed me as I had to slow down to shed my shirt and tie it around my waist. But as soon as another hill came along I was able to pass them. I kept wondering though how far ahead those intimidating runner women were? Sarah and I went back and forth leading and setting the pace. It was really fun. I loved being out there with lots of other great runners on those trails. Sarah at the beginning mentioned that she had an upset stomach. That was worrying her and holding her back a bit. But true to Sarah's nature, as we approached the end, her race winning mentality clicks in and nothing is in her way. I tried to keep up with her. We stopped to pee and then kept on going just as fast. When we topped out on the hill that I had dreamed about, my bowels just about let go. I had to high tail it off the trail to a rock for a pit stop. At that moment Sarah gained a great lead. She showed me never to doubt her abilities. Another woman closed in the gap in between us. I didn't realize she was right behind me until I came into the finish and Sarah started yelling for me to sprint, but I didn't get it fast enough, I was tired, and she overtook me for second place.
Scott was there to get the photos at the finish line. Sarah coming in fast to the finish.
I think her time was around 2 hr. 13 min.
I'm coming down the final stretch and here comes the other woman, all out sprinting.
There she overtakes me. I had been running with those two guys throughout the race as well. They ran last year also. They kept a great pace for me too.
Now I think "SHOOT!" I could have been right behind Sarah and that other woman is stealing my place!
I hear people yelling for me. Yeah!
I made it, I feel great. And that was fun. My time was 2 hrs 14 min.
Rubie was mad that her mommy ran right past her and didn't stop. I was also surprised to see my Mom, Joe, and Tai there to cheer me on to the finish line.
Well done, friend. Thanks for pushing me, pacing me, pulling me, cheering me on, keeping a great attitude, and all the training when it was hard and cold to run. This makes it worth it.
Congratulations to the top female finisher!!!
Now I wonder how Carly is doing? Did a Buffalo sniff her out yet? Is she having to run from one on the trail?
6 years ago
Congrats, Jen! Love your race report. You did so awesome! I mean I knew you were fast and all but you were amazing! You get the fastest-uphill-runner-of-the-day award! I could not have done it without you. Thanks! Let's do it again. Once I have recovered from this one. My stomach is STILL upset. Yuck!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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