On the 24th of July we (Eric, Rubie, Jen) went with Lloyd and Carolyn, and Sarah, Noah, and Max to the Pioneer Festival at the North Park in Provo. It is a fun event. We went last year as well. This year was much more enjoyable as I wasn't 9 months pregnant in 100 degree weather. The kids loved the game booths, the Native American dancers, the pioneer village, and the fire truck.
Sarah at the line with Noah and Eric before they threw down the milk bottles.
Eric walked right up to the edge of the table and on his second try knocked down all three milk bottles.
Eric getting ready to launch the hatchet at the target. It didn't really go very far.
The favorite of all the kids was the petting zoo. We stood by the fence for a few minutes looking at the goats, a calf, a donkey, and baby pigs. After a few minutes and girl came and let us all in the pen with the animals. Rubie was going crazy she was so excited. She loved the baby pigs and the Pygmy goats. I couldn't snap any pictures because I was trying to make sure the animals were safe from her.
Eric getting ready for the Mountain Man Skillet toss. As Eric threw everyone in line scattered. He swung around and flung his skillet back at the kids in the line instead of forward down the throwing alley. It was a heavy skillet.
One of the Native American Dancers that the kids loved watching.
Lloyd helped Eric make some pie tin art. He hammered on E in the middle with a nail and hammer.
Eric was proud of it and wanted to hang it on his wall when we got home.
Lloyd and Carolyn were a big help with the kids.
This was a really cool cannon that was recovered from a ship wreckage in the Dominican Republic. The boys thought the cannon balls were very cool.
Eric at a cabin in the pioneer village.
Eric and Noah in the Doctors buggy at the pioneer village.
There were some pioneer games as well. Eric wanted to try his hand at the stick pull.
At the end of the day Eric and Noah were able to climb up into an actual fire truck. They got fireman hats and coloring books. Those firemen are pretty great. We also really enjoyed celebrating our pioneer heritage by playing some of their games.